论文标题:Role of flying cars in sustainable mobility
作者:Akshat Kasliwal, Noah J. Furbush, James H. Gawron, James R. McBride, Timothy J. Wallington, Robert D. De Kleine, Hyung Chul Kim, Gregory A. Keoleian
数字识别码: 10.1038/s41467-019-09426-0
本周《自然-通讯》发表的一篇论文Role of flying cars in sustainable mobility指出,电动垂直起降飞行器(VTOL),又名“飞行汽车”,作为未来可持续性个人交通工具可能作用有限。由于大部分汽车出行为35公里以下的短途运输,该模型研究发现,对于这类短途出行,VTOL会比地面车辆消耗更多能源,排放更多的温室气体。
图1: NASA GL-10 VTOL。图源:Kasliwal 等
图2:VTOL飞行情况。图源: Kasliwal 等
美国密歇根大学的Gregory Keoleian和同事利用基于物理的模型,分析了VTOL作为个人交通工具的能源消耗和温室气体排放情况,并将结果与传统内燃机汽车(ICEV)和纯电动汽车(BEV)进行了对比。作者发现,对于车辆容纳人数为1的100公里点对点行程来说,VTOL排放的温室气体比ICEV低约30%,但比BEV高40%。假如将VTOL用于提供空中出租车服务,作者对比了容纳人数为4的VTOL与平均容纳人数为1.54的汽车,结果发现VTOL每客座公里排放的温室气体比ICEV低52%,比BEV低6%。
摘要:Interest and investment in electric vertical takeoff and landing aircraft (VTOLs), commonly known as flying cars, have grown significantly. However, their sustainability implications are unclear. We report a physics-based analysis of primary energy and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of VTOLs vs. ground-based cars. Tilt-rotor/duct/wing VTOLs are efficient when cruising but consume substantial energy for takeoff and climb; hence, their burdens depend critically on trip distance. For our base case, traveling 100 km (point-to-point) with one pilot in a VTOL results in well-to-wing/wheel GHG emissions that are 35% lower but 28% higher than a one-occupant internal combustion engine vehicle (ICEV) and battery electric vehicle (BEV), respectively. Comparing fully loaded VTOLs (three passengers) with ground-based cars with an average occupancy of 1.54, VTOL GHG emissions per passenger-kilometer are 52% lower than ICEVs and 6% lower than BEVs. VTOLs offer fast, predictable transportation and could have a niche role in sustainable mobility.
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